About Profe$$or Dollar Academy



Profe$$or Dollar Academy is an innovator in financial education that features high-quality instruction and activities in an academic setting. The Academy educates, trains and develops young people in personal financial management and career development. Past clients include homeschool groups, public and private schools and other organizations that provide services to young people and their parents.

Profe$$or Dollar Academy’s goal is to ensure every educator, student, and parent has the necessary tools to educate this young generation and the next in personal financial management. We don’t just supply the materials or resources, we help you develop the plan or program and show you how to use them effectively for your needs.

The seed for Profe$$or Dollar Academy was planted while its founder provided financial management services to thousands of U.S. military families who were experiencing financial difficulties. She reasoned that to become a financially successful adult, one must begin their financial education as a child. From this breakthrough, she began developing the curriculum that became Profe$$or Dollar Academy.

At Profe$$or Dollar Academy we believe that giving the right tools at the earliest age possible will equip children and give them a head start to become a successful and productive adult, no matter what career they choose. By providing the correct educational tools and programs, we enhance and improve your child’s ability to navigate the world of financial management and career development.